Wednesday, March 18, 2009

#4 My life long love for chocolate

I have to put this one high up on the list because it is so true.:) I really love chocolate and I have a terrible time breaking up with it. I however have an easier time breaking out with it!!

If you love chocolate, raise your hand. My love for chocolate surely began early in life. I can remember going to the grocery on Saturday mornings with my Grandaddy. He would take us kids with him as he shopped for the groceries. He was generous and gave us all a quarter to spend as we chose.

Now some of you younguns will probably roll your eyes at that and think my Grandaddy to be a total cheapskate. Well, he was Scotch-Irish and he was experienced at divvying up a stick of Wrigley's chewing gum, between 4 or 5 kids. That's right one stick of gum went a long way with Grandaddy! Don't swallow it either!!

Back to the chocolate.... we got our beloved quarter weekly,(you know I'm gonna say it...and we were THANKFUL!!) We could all spend our quarter as we chose as I stated before. We took our time I can tell you, browsing the candy isle over and over for just the right treat. Our sweaty little hands holding that quarter tightly. I can still remember the smell of my hand after gripping that old quarter until it was sticky with sweat.

In this day and age you could just forget going to the store and spending a quarter. But then I could buy a candy bar, a coke and a small bag of penny candy. Hello!! And I'm not that old either. I remember one phase I went through and I didn't get a candy bar, but I chose a sweet tart instead. These were huge like jawbreaker sweet tarts and they lasted for days. Talk about your pucker power! OW!!

By the way no matter what kind of soft drink we got it was always referred to as a coke. Just a little southern info for you. They were in those refrigerator type machines with the glass door running vertical up the left side. You'd slide your dime in the slot and open the glass door and pull your coke out. Then open it up right there with the attached bottle opener and drink it right there in the store.

Now back to chocolate! I guess a melted candy bar smeared across the smiling face of a child is just about as good as it gets. Good grief, how many times did we smear chocolate all over our best clothes and my Granddaddy's truck seats?

Chocolate sort of just has a way of getting all over you and all in you, don't you think? Have you ever turned down a free Snickers bar? Why do you think it's called snickers?

I know that too much chocolate is bad for you, but who's to say how much is too much? The scientific community has debated this question time and again. You will always notice that chocolate wins out every time. You will see it on women's magazines in the check out or a blurb about it on the news. The health benefits of chocolate. Well, I don't know about all the science of it, but I do know this, If it is a certain time in the month and you are holding something chocolate in your hands and your suddenly mauled by a group of women, let me just say you had it coming to you. OK?

The health benefits of chocolate is understood by hormonal women. That is why every Valentines Day you will see signs everywhere, even weeks ahead of time, reminding men to "get her some chocolate." These are warning signs for men.
Please be aware, if she says "don't get me chocolate this year, I'm on a diet." That is code for you sir, take her dancing and make sure she knows she's beautiful, and then to be sure, leave a tiny box of extra fancy chocolates on the kitchen counter kind of, you know nonchalant like. Just leave it there, OK? She knows what to do with it. And wisely never mention them again!

I am so sure that the fruit in the garden that Eve could not resist, was chocolate covered!!

I really believe it. If it was just fruit, I don't think she'd have been tempted. Now reason with me a minute.
How many women do you ever hear say," I have such a terrible time resisting fruit?" Or "I've really gotta cut back on my fruit." No way, we are always saying," I should eat more fruits and vegetables."
Never do I hear a woman say she has to cut back on fruit. Come on we all know what she's gotta cut back on, sweets, chocolate, desserts, cakes, pies, cookies,and GULP, cheesecake!!!!
But never fruit.

Boy the temptation is there alright for just one little bite of that sweet creamy chocolate.

And they make it in all different flavors! How does this sound , deep dark chocolate? How about delicious milk chocolate? Or creamy white chocolate?

I'm telling you it will make you slap your mama! But please don't do that, (no Moms were hurt during the writing of this blog.)

If you love chocolate don't be ashamed to say so. Go ahead and say it with me," I love chocolate."

See how that felt? All the guilt just ran out your mouth and down your chin.

Now don't you just feel like a kid again?

So go ahead and have you a little "fun size" candy bar, no body's looking. And rub a little dab on your shirt just for old times sake!


  1. Ahhh, yes--the giant golf ball sized Sweet Tart...I had forgotten those. I remember walking up to the IGA with my quarter. Got a 'coke', and a small brown bag full of penny candy. Kids today don't know what they're missing. (But I'm one of the few who WOULD turn down that free Snickers--no nuts in my candy! A Milky Way, now--that's a different story!)

    My granddaddy is responsible for instilling a love of chocolate in me, as well. He gave me a box of chocolate covered cherries every time I saw him, which wasn't often. Cherries are my least favorite fruit, but once in a while at Christmas I still have one to remind me of him.

  2. That's great Beverly. The IGA is the exact store I was talking about. Grandaddy would also have us wait in the truck while he got his hair cut by "Squirrel" Kennedy.
    Love those memories!
