Thursday, March 12, 2009

Late at night

All quiet here just me and my PC. My husband is just starting work on the other side of the world and I am gearing up for bed.
My 2nd confession is I am lonely.
Now please don't take this wrong, I'm not looking for Mr. Right or even Mr. Leftover. I just miss my Mr. Right, my only right. I miss him all the time. It's like having half of me sliced off and having to function as if I were normal. He is the other half of me in every way.
He is the echo I hear when my heart cries out. He is the life preserver that I reach for in the storms. My heart matches his heart, it is a mirror reflection, a perfect fit. And he is gone.
I go throughout my day looking for something, puzzled, I can't seem to gain my bearings, my mind doesn't concentrate, somethings missing and I can't find it.
Then I realize that it is him, my soul mate, my little slice of heaven right here on earth. He is the one who knows me inside and out and he loves me. Can you believe that? He loves me! And I love him. I'm crazy, gaga, in love and I always will be. He branded my heart with his first kiss.
So, you can see why I'm lonely and why I'm writing late in the night on this blog to God only knows who. Marriage is not for wimps let me tell you. It is a lot of giving and forgiving and taking too. Taking a lot of stuff that requires more forgiving. You can't quit in the middle of it. It's a lot like making a great cake. Which kind do you like best by the way? My favorite is chocolate cake and butter creme icing, homemade please.
If you try all the ingredients separately they taste horrible. But if you mix it all together and follow the recipe properly, you will have a yummy cake for everyone to enjoy. Would you take it out of the oven after 10 minutes when it calls for 25? No, what kind of cook are you anyway?
You have to let it go through the process. And then you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Too many impatient and immature people get married and want the finished product without the work. It's just not gonna happen that way, sorry.
You have to commit, I know that's a bad word today, but there is no short cut to a fabulous marriage. Or any relationship for that matter.
So if you want a fully satisfying marriage take my advice, hey it's free!
Get together with your spouse and mix it up real good, pour it all out and turn up the heat. Now give it some time and when it springs back to the touch, it's ready!
Then let it cool and enjoy!
Hey I was talking about cake all the time where's your mind?


  1. Cheryl! I had no idea you were so philosophical! That was beautiful and just what I needed to hear this morning. We're having some difficulties with one of our children (grown, though she may be) and my usual response is to do the "turtle" thing--I go inside myself and don't let anyone else in, not even my husband. That hurts me as much as it does him. You've given me a new perspective and I think I'm gonna get off this computer and go give him a hug. We both need it!

  2. Wow, I'm glad that you got blessed. I know what all this grown kid frustration can be. Once an older lady told me, when they're little they step on your toes, when they're big they step on your heart.
    Sounds like shes been there!
    Well, try not to take it personal, although it feels that way. It's not your fault. You know God has kids that do their own thing too and He's a perfect parent!
